
The team at Tajik Lawyers have extensive experience in the field of family law. Our principal solicitor, Nasima Tajik, has practiced family law since 2010 and has completed her Master of Applied Law (Family Law) in 2017. The team is experienced in dealing with complex family law matters including parenting arrangements, property settlements, and divorce cases. We understand the laws and regulations that govern these issues and can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process. We understand the nuances of family law and the impact that it can have on our clients’ lives. We help protect clients’ rights and interests, and offer appropriate and helpful guidance to protect children, especially in complex cases involving family or domestic violence or abuse.

Resolving matters without the need for litigation

At Tajik Lawyers, we encourage alternative dispute resolution in all matters and advocate for the settlement of all disputes where appropriate through avenues such as mediation and collaborative law. This helps clients avoid going to court and results in a more amicable resolution. Alternative dispute resolution is a more cost-effective option compared to going to court, typically takes less time to resolve disputes, provides for a less adversarial process to preserve relationships especially in cases where ongoing contact is necessary, and can be tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved. Our principal solicitor, Nasima Tajik, is a strong advocate for alternative dispute resolution and has settled numerous cases through negotiation and mediation.


Tajik Lawyers have a reputation for providing honest legal services to their clients as shown by positive client reviews and client testimonials. Tajik Lawyers have established a positive reputation in the legal industry by servicing the Hills District area and beyond since commencement, always committed to achieving the best possible outcome for clients. Our top priority is serving our clients and providing them with the best possible legal representation. We are committed to putting our clients’ needs above our own financial interests and treat all clients with respect that they deserve. We strive to provide affordable and accessible legal services, and we work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. We cater to working families and are flexible in providing consultations out of normal business hours if required.

Personalised approach

Tajik Lawyers offer a personalised approach to their clients, meaning they take the time to understand their clients’ unique legal needs and tailor their legal advice accordingly. We take the time to understand your specific legal needs and work closely with you to develop a strategy that best suits your situation.

Approachable and friendly

At Tajik Lawyers, we understand that navigating the legal system can be daunting and stressful. That’s why we strive to create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for our clients. Our lawyers and staff are approachable, easy to talk to, and always ready to listen to your concerns. We take the time to get to know our clients and their unique situations, and we work closely with them to develop a strategy that meets their needs. At Tajik Lawyers, you can expect compassionate and friendly legal services from a team that truly cares.

Accessible, affordable and responsive

Tajik Lawyers are easily accessible and responsive to their clients’ needs. We usually respond to our clients within 24 hours and we are available every day of the week to answer any questions. We provide out of hours and weekend appointments to suit our clients’ needs. The team at Tajik Lawyers are always available to answer questions, provide updates, and offer support throughout your legal process. We also understand that legal issues can be financially burdensome, and we work closely with our clients to develop a cost-effective strategy that meets their needs. Our goal is to provide high-quality legal services at a price that is fair and reasonable without sacrificing quality or expertise. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality legal services, regardless of their financial situation.


The team at Tajik Lawyers are able to communicate with clients in multiple languages including English, Farsi and Arabic. This is beneficial for clients who prefer to speak in their native language or need translation services.

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